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Written for his child as a project


         April 14,2024


The Weekly Messenger

instagram blog vol. 2

Is God Good? all the time

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Having said that, let’s explore whether or not the Lord God Almighty is good. And, if He is good, is He good all of the time? Let’s begin with a text from the Holy Bible. A man runs up to Jesus and calls Him “Good Teacher”. Jesus’ immediate reply to the man is found in Mark 10:18 New King James Version which says, “...Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God."

Scripture is not open to interpretation. God by way of the Holy Spirit, used men to write exactly what God wanted us to know about Him. In this case, the only begotten Son of God, Jesus, in Mark 10:18 discloses to us an attribute of God. God is good. Just because Jesus said that God is good, one can ask the question, is it true? Is Jesus a reliable source who provided a reference for God.

Well, Jesus described Himself in John 14:6 as “the way, the truth, and the life.”

An examination of the Gospel is proof that everything Jesus stated was truth. He said He was going to be betrayed and it occurred in the garden of Gethsemane. He said He was going to die and be raised in three days and it occurred. Therefore, when Jesus said, God is good, He spoke the truth once again and to believers the statement should be taken as fact from a reliable source. Another reference to the fact that God is good is found in the book of Psalms. David, a man who became king of Israel developed a relation ship with God.


 Based on that relationship, he declared that God was good. What an incredible character reference by a man who had good days and bad days. A man who sinned incurring the wrath of God and a man who did good works gaining the favor of God. That man declared in Psalm 34:8 New King James Version,

"Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!"

Changing the subject for a moment, I hear people in ‘Church’ say, “God is good all of the time.” Is this a true statement or is it nothing more than rhetoric? How could it be truth when so many bad things are occurring in the world? When innocent and good people get sick, hurt or die. When people who have faith in God find themselves in bad situations not of their own making. Would a good God let these bad things happen? The simple answer is yes.

Men and women choose their own paths. They choose to good or they choose to do wicked and evil things. God does not stop every person from doing what they are going to do. He gave us free will and He does not interfere with our will too often. God cannot rightly judge you if He continually interferes with your free will. He cannot rightly judge you if He continually prevents you from doing what you plan to do. When God judges you, it is based on your words and your deeds. Therefore, we cannot blame God for the evil and wicked things that men and women do. God is good and wants us to do good, but He does not impose His will upon us. We decide. We choose.

Know this though, Romans 8:28 New King James Version says, "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."

In the midst of the turmoil, evil, wickedness, and actions of mean spirited people, God is looking out for those who love Him. He will take the tough times and make you stronger. He will take the bad things that happen to you and bring you to a point that when you look back on them, realize that God was there helping you, protecting you and providing for you. He made you outlast your enemy. He rebuilt your reputation. He sent good people to help you. Long story short, a good God who is good all the time, is looking out for you. That is not rhetoric, that is fact.

 Be encouraged

God bless and keep you In Jesus' name


Pastor Michael Brian Horton

 • The Regal Word on YouTube •


Antioch Christian Church 

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